Welcome to the German Canadian Business Association (GCBA)
“Join a community that values your expertise and contributions. Don’t miss out, join us now!”

The German Canadian Business Association of Vancouver enhances business growth, cultural exchange, and community engagement through targeted networking and educational initiatives for our members in British Columbia.


promoting products, services, and expertise of its members by

Expanding communication and media networks in Vancouver and BC to business groups, government, and teaching institutions

Providing visibility on all GCBA platforms, news and events

Hosting in-person and virtual presentations on business trends and developments

Offering business, career, and coaching services to the next generation of young professionals and students

Hosting members’ presentations on services


engaging members, friends, and partner organizations

Meetings with business and government personalities for members only

Small and large group events for fun in interesting venues, including family and friends

Casual outings, pub nights, sports and tournaments

Organizing workshops and round tables on business topics of general and special interests

The famous GCBA Christmas Gala


making a difference, together with local charities

Identifying worthy causes for charitable engagement within the German and international communities at large, the BC and Municipal governments, as well as NGOs in BC

Promoting German cultural and heritage exchange within BC

Offering exclusive sponsorship options to members first


Read more about our mission in our News Blog “The New Mission of the GCBA: Promoting Businesses, Social Engagements, and Community Impact”